Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I found the perfect person

Do you really think that the perfect person there?  Well… I think that exist, but this isn´t a woman or a man, this is the poise between both. I want to say the perfect person only exist if we complement our qualities and strengths. For example, the men, in general, seek to be cared, and women looking for something or someone you care ¿you understand?.  All the humans were made to complement between both sexes. Another difference (complement) is how men and women feel and express themselves differently, for example, man is an external perspective, ergo, it is easier to express what they think and are more direct, however, women often keep their feelings and remain in silent - Pilar Sordo says this is directly related to how they see their genitals and his book "viva la diferencia"-.  On the other hand, as I said recently, physical appearance also plays a fundamental role for men and women, because their form of reproduction is also complementary.  So, if we think how can exist the perfect person, we must consider that the only way this can happen is if a woman and men become one through love and complement their differences.

Everything is closer than you think ...

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