Friday, June 29, 2012

The terror test !!

A really important exam in my life was the PSU, because by that I will know if I can enter to the university or not. This was in the year 2009, when I finish the mid education (or secondary). I was studying in a pre universitary to prepare the test during four months. This time was very stressing, because I had to go to the school, and the Thursday, Friday and Saturday go to the class after the school. The Saturday I was going in the morning to the class, and after I was going to work in the supermarket, to can pay the classes on the pre u.

The test day, I was some nervous, but safe of myself, and my work. The most funny was that I feel asleep in the science test, because I fallen very tired and I decide do this exam only to know much I know, the other test how language and communications, math and history were the important.

This exam has been the most important in my life, because in that I tested all my knowledge, and really longed enter to the university. If I had not worked to that, I wouldn´t am in this chair, with these classmates and friends. I think, having passed the text, has been some important in my life, because this was my finish, by I had been working very hard. I never forget the moment of happiness of my family when they entered about the notice that I had been selected in geography.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cookies cookies cookies !

A place for eat that I like very much is the shop Tip-Top. Also this is not a restaurant –because is a shop- in this place sold the best cookies on the world. When you walk along the Alameda St. and you arrive to the Paseo Ahumada is possible feel the bouquet –really delicious- of the baked cookies, is some irresistible.

I found this local because is very evident by the location of this, in full Alameda one of the most important avenues of Santiago. I like, because I can buy with the target of the food that the state give me to buy lunch, but how don’t go every day to the university, I save some money to can buy cookies, because are really delicious. The last two times, I have gone with my boyfriend Johan to buy the cookies, and after we walk for different places, how the Plaza de Armas or had taken the bus to Estación Central, and had eaten the cookies on the bus.

I like feel in freedom, for that I like eat in an open space, how on a park in a seat; also is not expensive. The restaurants in general are expensive. For example, Johan´s father (Johan is my boyfriend) work in a restaurant called “Los Buenos Muchachos” and in two occasions we had gone to eat here. But in this case, Johan´s father pay the food, because he have special discounts for work here, otherwise, we can´t eat here for the expensive prices.

For that, I prefer eat the cheap and delicious cookies of Tip-Top, I do that every time that I walk for this place with Johan, because they is very glutton and don´t resist the temptation.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Your first love

When I was in kinder garden, I liked a classmate called Patricio Zabala, I never forgot his name, I don´t know what. Also, in this year I was elected “queen” of my level, and my “ugly king” was Patricio. That’s was very funny, I have a lot of pictures with he, but after finish the kinder, I never see he again.
Write about your first love:
What is her/his name?
What old are you when you liked he/she?
Do you continue seeing he/she?
Do you like see he/she again?

Comment this post, and the post of 2 classmates too.

My greatest birthday !

In my birthday number five, I remember that was a great birthday. My mother invited all my cousins and my friends. In this time, we lived in the house of my grandparents, with the family of the sister of my father, bone, my uncle, her name is Isabel, but all call her “Loly”. Wherever, wasn´t much difficult bring my cousins to my birthday’s party. How I don’t was studying even, I don’t have much friends, I played with the girl next door and her brother. Also, my mother invited cousins that lived more away, in total we were how fifteen children.

I remember this birthday, because in that my mom takes a lot of photography, and ever that my family look old photos appear the pictures of my birthday. Also, this birthday is special, because have been the unique birthday in my life that I celebrate with so many persons of my family how cousins, uncles including my grandmother Amalia, and my mom prepared a lot of delicious things, how cakes, hot chocolate, and a big birthday´s pastel.

I remember too, that my uncle Maritza gives me a beautiful doll that in that time were famous, she was called “sky dancers”, when you pull the string in her back, the doll turn so quickly that fly above yours head, and after fall. It is really fun when you have five years, especially if you love the dolls. I don´t know what happened with my sky dancer, but at least have one picture where I am played with her.

That was the most grateful birthday in my life, I felt how a princess, and enjoyed with my family J

Friday, June 1, 2012

Well, how this post is free, I choose the theme “music that I like”. Since I was a Child, have been a music lover, when my mom give me the milk, I liked see the video music on the TV, and after of drink my milk, I dance how the TV dancers, copying their steps. That was when I had 3 or 4 years old.

After, when I was between 6 and 10 years old, I enjoy dance with the channel 2 in the TV, because shoe video music all the day, and learn a lot of different styles of music, and y knew many songs of the 90´s. My cousins laughed me, because I felt like an artist, or a pop star.

When I was 11 years or 12, my parents, in Christmas give me a mini radio that plays cassettes tape. I remember that I was happy, because the radio had tape recorder, and with this, I could record my favorite songs since the radio. I had a lot of cassettes; also sometimes I record my voice singing some song, or conversations with my friends.

In my adolescence, I have not only enjoyed listen music from internet, if not, I have known a lot of groups, sing, and music styles. Have been all a process, because the first year of my adolescence I was metalera, and listen only groups of heavy metal like Metallica, Iron Maiden or Judas Priest. After I listen a lot of reggaeton, because I considerate me how pokemona  (that was a fashion style in my school time, very popular). After, I liked a lot the hardcore music, also tried skate, how the hardcore singers. And finally, in my last years of school I heard music of many styles, since Oasis, passing by Avril Lavinge, to Deftones.

Today, I listen music always, because the way between the university and my house is very long, but I steel kip a taste by the variety of music. In this moment I am listen a song of Daddy Yankee. That I liked when I was in the school. Some songs never go out of style…

Really, I think the music is the best friend ever, and in my case, have marked all my life, and still doing.