Friday, June 15, 2012

My greatest birthday !

In my birthday number five, I remember that was a great birthday. My mother invited all my cousins and my friends. In this time, we lived in the house of my grandparents, with the family of the sister of my father, bone, my uncle, her name is Isabel, but all call her “Loly”. Wherever, wasn´t much difficult bring my cousins to my birthday’s party. How I don’t was studying even, I don’t have much friends, I played with the girl next door and her brother. Also, my mother invited cousins that lived more away, in total we were how fifteen children.

I remember this birthday, because in that my mom takes a lot of photography, and ever that my family look old photos appear the pictures of my birthday. Also, this birthday is special, because have been the unique birthday in my life that I celebrate with so many persons of my family how cousins, uncles including my grandmother Amalia, and my mom prepared a lot of delicious things, how cakes, hot chocolate, and a big birthday´s pastel.

I remember too, that my uncle Maritza gives me a beautiful doll that in that time were famous, she was called “sky dancers”, when you pull the string in her back, the doll turn so quickly that fly above yours head, and after fall. It is really fun when you have five years, especially if you love the dolls. I don´t know what happened with my sky dancer, but at least have one picture where I am played with her.

That was the most grateful birthday in my life, I felt how a princess, and enjoyed with my family J


  1. you should repeat that in the future, to see your family again... :B

  2. Are you going to upload the picture of you with your Sky Dancer?

  3. also I have many pictures of my birthday as a baby or child. But the pictures of the birthday present is better not to show.

  4. I will to uploaded the picture Simon !

  5. Hi,
    the sky dancers are magical

