A page in internet that I use with frequency is
Picmonkey. I discovered this page when the site of Picnik.com was closed,
because it was sale to Google+. So, I search a new page to edit my
photographies. I go to this page between two or three times on the week,
because I like edits the photos with different technical and colors. A great character
of Picmonkey is can change your image how you want, because have a lot of
effects, textures, picture frames, contrast and also allows you save this
changes of yours images on your computer. The photos after of edits are very
amazing because is how if you are a professional of photo edits. I have uses this
page a lot to edit the photos of my holidays and share it on facebook or print
and put the images in my room or living room. I think this tool is very useful,
because you can made images with letters and give that to some friend, or some
familiar, or to your boyfriend, also edits the pictures is very easy, for
example, if you want change the color tone you only need go to the menu and
select the tool of color and choose the tone that like you, this can be more
cold or more hot, bought are pretty, but the result depend of your image to
this look fine or no. Is very funny, feel like a professional with this page
and experiment with your talent.
The page is this: http://www.picmonkey.com
I like the Koala. Take a view in my blog ! 1313