I am
writing about Pía´s blog. The tittle of her blog is world energy, and she has writes four post (about: an internet tool, acrobatic in cotton, San Rafael
Lagoon and a website in internet). The background color is a little off, but at
last allows look very well the letters and read the posts. The detail of the birds in the corner up/right
is very pretty, gives a feeling of relax and freedom. The images are very striking,
the picture frame combine with the color of the pictures and look in harmony.
The only post that has comment is the first post internet tool, in that, five classmates left comments. The comments are very short, and aren’t much descriptive
about the theme that Pía wrote. In general, I like Pía´s blog, the tittle is beautiful,
but maybe don´t have much relation with the post, I think this is related about
her point of view and mode of feel the life.
Hello all, today I told you
(wt: I will tell you) about something I would like to learn (p: , ) this thing is acrobatic in cotton, (p: . ) this art is wonderful because is an acrobatic where you stylize your
body (p: , ) and is
very beautiful the created form (wf:
forms) (p: . ) and (we:also) the people create acts
amazing (p: . ) one
(sp: One) time I went to the “circo del mundo”, this company is a group of artist (wf: artists) that represent
different historical episodes. In this time the show was about Lota miners, one
act was about how lota (sp: Lota)
miners spent her (ww: their) money. He (ww: they) went (wt: were) to the brothel and the prostitutes down of (sm: the)
cotton very fast and they playing in
very much in cotton (wf: the played a lot in the cotton). This show are (wt: was) amazing, wonderful and
very very lovely (p: . or ; ) so for this and for I (sm: can) see in the street
(p: , ) I think
that this acrobatic is important for the body elongation and for created (wt: create) beautiful art. I
think that the circus must change (p: , ) it must live the animals (wf: it don´t must use live animals ) and it (we: don’t need IT) must dedicate to
acrobatic art like “circu soleil” (wf:
Cique du solei), or “circo del mundo”. Also I think that circu soleil (wf: Cique du solei), is very expensive and her (wf: it) actors send his (wf: it) art to
the bureaucracy and they live to the simple people without of the artistic
world. And this (wf: is not
necessary)I think this is (sm: an) elegant acrobatic and it can show everything
in the world.
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